米国カリフォルニア州Los Angelesの山火事。乾燥とサンタアナと呼ばれる強風の影響で、延焼が続いています。(1/9)
Wildfires in the greater Los Angeles area continued to burn mostly out of control on Thursday, with at least five blazes engulfing more than 45 square miles.
※wildfire 山火事、急激に広がる炎
※blaze (明るく燃え上がる大きい) 炎 ➾inferno/conflagration
※engulf 飲み込む、巻き込む
The fires have been fueled by dry conditions and ferocious Santa Ana winds.
※ferocious 獰猛な、狂暴な、野蛮な ➾fierce wind/gusting wind
強風=strong wind/high wind等 気象用語はgale
※風にあおれた火災=wind-fed firesという表現も。

A wildfire ripped through an upscale coastal area of Los Angeles overnight, with Hollywood celebrities among those evacuating by car and on foot.
※rip through 引き裂く、猛威を振るう
※upscale 上流階級の、高所得(層)の
The fires have reduced a number of celebrity mansions and movie landmarks to ashes.
※reduce to ashes 灰と化す ➾reduce to ruins 〔主語(爆撃などが)〕街を廃虚にする
見出し:Paris Hilton shows LA fires aftermath at burned down Malibu beach house: ‘Truly indescribable’
The blazes burned for a sixth straight day on Sunday, leveling homes and leaving an apocalyptic landscape.

Firefighters struggle to contain deadly blaze (見出し)
※contain 食い止める、封じ込める ➾extinguish / put out
Pink fire retardant has stained houses and buildings in Los Angeles.
※fire retardant 難燃剤
More than 180,000 people have been forced to evacuate in densely populated areas.
Thousands have been displaced because of the infernos.
The number of confirmed deaths from the devastating fires jumped to 27. (1/17) ➾death toll(死者数)
Approximately 29 people have been arrested in Los Angeles so far in connection to criminal activity related to the ongoing wildfires, including a burglary suspect who allegedly attempted to disguise himself as a firefighter.
※burglary suspct強盗容疑者 ➾looting 〔戦争・暴動などに乗じた〕略奪
※disguise oneself as ~の姿に変装、扮装する
タイトル:Leadership accused of skimping(けちけちする、節約する)
A 117-million-gallon reservoir in one of the Los Angeles communities was out of commission when the fire started. The major reservoir has been drained since February for repairs to its cover.
※reservoir 貯水池、ため池
※drain 水を抜く
Scores of fire hydrants in Pacific Palisades had little water flowing out. Firefighters have repeatedly been hampered by low water pressure and dry hydrants.
※hydrant 消火栓
※hamper 妨害する、邪魔する
A political spat has erupted between US President-elect Donald Trump and California’s state governor Gavin Newsom over the wildfires.
spat 口ケンカ、小競り合い
erupt 爆発する、急に起こる
President-elect 次期大統領

- PHILOSニュース英語:茅ケ崎方式大阪梅田校代表
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Close-up Words / PHILOSニュース英語2025年1月28日アメリカLA火災
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