Linda Sun, an ex-aide to Governor Kathy Hochul, and her husband, Christopher Hu were indicted on charges of acting as covert agents for the Chinese government.
※aide to~ ~の側近 ・音はaidと一緒
※indict 起訴する
※covert agent 秘密情報員 ➾undisclosed agent/spy
Sun is charged with 10 criminal counts that include visa fraud, alien smuggling, money laundering conspiracy, and other crimes.
※criminal count 刑事上の起訴訴因
※visa fraud ビザの詐欺
※alien smuggling 外国人密入国
※conspiracy 共謀、結託

During the arraignment, the couple pleaded not guilty and were released on a combined $2 million bail.
A judge limited their travel to three US states and ordered Ms Sun to avoid any contact with representatives from the Chinese consulate or mission in New York. They were also required to surrender their passports.
※arraignment 罪状認否 〔əréinmənt〕
※plead not guilty 無罪を主張する
※be released on bail 保釈される
While working for the state government, Sun influenced the messaging of high-level state officials regarding issues of importance to China. She is alleged to have forged Hochul's signature and sought to limit her contact with Taiwan.
In return, China allegedly showered the couple with millions of dollars in kickbacks and perks.
※shower(贈り物などを)惜しげもなく与える ➾lavish 気前よく与える
※kickback (不正な)手数料、口利き料、賄賂
※perks 特典、役得(正規の賃金以外の臨時収入)➾gravy train うまい汁が吸える地位、ぼろもうけ
Prosecutors say Linda Sun used her position as a trusted government aide to benefit Beijing for years—and reaped the rewards.
Ms. Sun, also known as Wen Sun, is a naturalized American born in China. Over roughly 14 years, Linda Sun rose through the ranks to become deputy chief of staff to the governor.
※rise through the ranks=実力で出世する、出世の階段を上る
➾climb up the social ladder 出世の階段を上る

"I'm furious and I'm outraged and absolutely shocked at how brazen her behavior was. It was a betrayal of trust.”
※furious 怒り狂った
※outrage 憤慨させる
※brazen 厚かましい、鉄面皮の、ずうずう しい、恥知らずの
“The charges against Linda Sun illustrate a broader strategy by China to infiltrate and exert influence at all levels of U.S. governance, from local to federal, by exploiting trust and access within political circles. This is a classic Ministry of State Security operation.
Some naturalized American citizens with large connections to China speak Chinese, have family back in China, and want business opportunities in China.”

Alice Guo, a former mayor of a town in the Philippines is accused of having links to Chinese criminal syndicates. The fugitive was deported from Indonesia back to the Philippines.

During an international, Chinese-language radio broadcast on Aug. 19, a Chinese outside staffer made unscripted remarks for about 20 seconds, saying the Senkaku Islands -- which are administered by Japan and claimed by China as the Diaoyu -- belong to China and that the Nanjing Massacre should not be forgotten.

- PHILOSニュース英語:茅ケ崎方式大阪梅田校代表
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