On Wednesday night, the Dutch Kooikerhondje named Decoy perfectly executed the ceremonial first pitch at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.
On Aug. 28, thousands of fans watched Dekopin "Decoy," Ohtani's dog, deliver a perfect first pitch to his owner at Dodger Stadium.
始球式=first-pitch ceremony/opening pitch ceremony
※デコピンの説明:Dekopin is a finger-flick on someone's forehead, which is done between friends to give a light punishment to the loser of a game.
※デコピン forehead flick※flick指先や爪先などではじく ※He gave me a forehead flick.
※罰ゲーム penalty game

Around 20,000 fans waited outside four hours before the first pitch, excited to collect their giveaway bobbleheads.
Fans had flocked to the sold-out game that night, eager to get hold of a new Ohtani bobblehead, this time featuring him holding his famous dog.
※bobblehead doll ボブルヘッド[首振り]人形

Wearing his own Dodgers uniform, Decoy patiently waited on the pitcher's mound until Ohtani squatted at home plate. Then Decoy grabbed the ball in his mouth and ran it over to Ohtani, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Decoy then gave his owner a high-five with his paws.
※grab ひっつかむ、つかみ取る、ふいにつかむ/食事をかきこむ、ちょっと睡眠をとる/機会をつかむ
※ハイタッチは和製英語 give/do high five(s) 腰の高さで行うとlow fiveで、両手ではhigh ten

Following the successful pitch, Decoy received a treat from his proud owner and enthusiastic applause from the audience.
※treat=おごり、ごちそう、思わぬ喜び アナウンサーはreward(ご褒美)も使っていた

Decoy's adorable first pitch appears to have acted as a good luck charm.
※adorable 愛らしい、とてもかわいい
※good luck charm 幸運を呼び込むもの、開運のお守り
The pet parent hit a lead-off home run and stole two bases in the Dodgers‘ home game against the Baltimore Orioles. The team won the game 6-4.

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