The 60-year-old former director-general had accused the governor of power harassment and other abusive behaviors in writing.
※abusive 虐待的な、罵倒の
The governor vehemently criticized him in a news conference that day, calling the documents “a pack of lies”. Saito has labeled the allegations as “groundless.”
※vehemently 猛烈に、激しく
※a pack of~ たくさんの~、一団 ➾a whole bunch of lies どっさりのウソ
※groundless 事実無根、根拠のない
He also said the official was “disqualified as a civil servant,” saying he prepared the document during business hours.
The whistleblower protection Act is to protect whistleblowers. They should not be subject to dismissal, demotion, or other disadvantageous treatment because they report the case.
※blow the whistle 〔不正などを〕暴露する、内部告発する ※whistleblower 内部告発者、公益通報者
The official was scheduled to retire at the end of March, but the prefectural government revoked the retirement on the grounds that he might face disciplinary measures. The official was found dead on the night of July 7 in a possible suicide.
The special investigative committee (so-called article 100 committee) was set up by the prefectural assembly to conduct a probe into the case.
The interim report: Nearly 40% of prefectural government employees surveyed had either witnessed or heard about his power harassment and souvenir demands during inspection trips.
Respondents wrote that "the governor got furious in his official car and kicked the front seat," that "he hit the desk and got angry," and "he would get angry if the media didn't come to events he attended."

One respondent wrote, "The governor tried on a leather jacket worth 400,000 yen and he said, 'This is good. Can I have it?'" The amount is worth about 2,700 dollars.
※職権乱用=abuse of (one's) office [authority, power, right]/abuse of public office
Saito testified under oath to the prefectural assembly’s investigative panel.
※testy under oath 宣誓して証言する
タイトル Embattled Hyogo Governor Vows to Serve Out His Term
So far, Saito has made it clear he intends to serve out his current term through July 2025.

- PHILOSニュース英語:茅ケ崎方式大阪梅田校代表
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