
Foreign press reacts to 'unique' 2024 Olympics opening ceremony: 'Paris amazes the world under the deluge'

※deluge 大洪水、大雨、どしゃぶり ➾heavy rain/downpour/torrential rainなど

A hot-air balloon brought an Olympic ring of fire into a rainy sky and singer Celine Dion belted from the Eiffel Tower.

日本選手団の旗手=flag bearerは、ブレイキンの半井重幸選手(シゲキックス)とフェンシングの江村美咲選手。

Fencer Misaki Emura and breaker Shigeyuki "Shigekix" Nakarai carried the Japanese national flag while cruising the Seine River.


The opening ceremony was widely acclaimed by the international press, which highlighted the success of a 'unique,' 'queer' and 'very French' ceremony. 


Women in dresses representing Marie Antoinette holding their severed heads in their hands sparked much debate.

※sever断ち切る ➾a decapitated head


タイトル: Olympics Last Supper reenactment was controversial. 


Some people connected the tableau to the biblical scene of Jesus Christ and his apostles sharing a final meal before the crucifixion.


※apostles キリストの12使徒

※crucifixion 十字架上の死

The Catholic church in France criticized the segment. "This ceremony has unfortunately included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we very deeply deplore." The Vatican also broke its silence on the controversial drag performance that mocked Leonardo da Vinci’s iconic “Last Supper”

➾segment 部分、〔テレビ放送などの〕ひとコマ


※mockery冷笑的な行為、あざけり 動詞:mock


Swimming has been off-limits in the long-polluted Seine River in Paris for more than a century.



見出し ‘Woke’ Olympic Village conditions slammed

An ambition from Paris Olympics organizers to cut the carbon footprint of catering at this year's eco-friendly Games has run into a problem: the huge appetites of meat-loving athletes. The housing complex was built without air conditioning. Some critics label the games ‘woke’.



Internet users are particularly outraged by what they perceive as a miscarriage of justice.

※誤審=miscarriage of justice ➾judging error/misjudgment

そんな逆風の中、日本のメダル獲得数=medal tally/medal haulは金メダル20個、銀12、銅13、総数45個で、アメリカ、中国に次いで全体の3位のmedal standingでした。

※表彰台medal podium


The 'Mission: Impossible' actor Tom Cruise rappelled from the roof of France's national stadium and received the Olympic flag, bringing a heavy dose of Hollywood to the closing ceremony of the Paris Games as the French capital handed over to the next host Los Angeles.

※rappel=名〈フランス語〉《登山》ラッペリング、懸垂下降 動詞:ラッペリングする、懸垂下降する➾abseilも






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