Shiga Prefectural Police arrested a 35-year-old man on June 8 on suspicion of involvement in the killing of his parole officer, Hiroshi Shinjo, 60, who was found dead at his home here in May this year.
※parole=仮出所、仮釈放 【pəróul】
保護司はprobation officerという言い方もあり
Volunteer probation officers are private volunteers who support the recovery of those who committed crimes and delinquencies. They are considered part-time national government officials commissioned by the Minister of Justice based on the Volunteer Probation Officers Act. There are approximately 47,000 volunteer probation officers nationwide.

An autopsy has found that Shinjo died he was stabbed at least 10 times in his upper body.
※autopsy 検死解剖

The suspect, Kohei Iitsuka was arrested a few days after Shinjo's murder on a weapons charge after being apprehended carrying a knife on the street near the scene.
※銃刀法=the Swords and Firearms Control Law
Iitsuka had been arrested in October 2018 on suspicion of robbery for stealing 20,000 yen from a nearby convenience store. In June 2019, he was handed a three-year prison sentence suspended for five years with probation from the Otsu District Court.
※probation ①【法律】保護観察(期間)、執行猶予 ②見習い期間、仮採用期間、(解雇するかどうか様子を見る為の)観察期間
【語源】フランス語probare テストする、試す
・All new employees are put on probation for three months.(全ての新入社員は3カ月の試用期間が課せられる)
A person associated with the race venue who worked with Shinjo said, “He was always so peaceful. I never thought someone could hold a grudge against him.”
※grudge=恨み、悪意、怨恨、怨念 英英:a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will
※~に恨みを抱く=hold/harbor/nurse/bear a grudge against 人
・A grudge over food is deeper than the ocean. (食べ物の恨みは恐ろしい)
Multiple posts decrying the probation system were found on X, formerly Twitter, which were made via an account believed to belong to the suspect, Kohei Iitsuka.
Shiga Prefectural Police believe that Iitsuka, 35, may have carried out a premeditated attack against Hiroshi Shinjo, 60, out of dissatisfaction with his probation.
※premeditated attack計画的攻撃 premeditate前もって考える、計画する、予謀する
※out of disssatisfaction不満から
Volunteer probation officers originated in the Meiji era (1868-1912) when charitable people provided support to individuals released from prison, and the system is based on the spirit of social service. In recent years, however, local communities have changed, and there are limits to relying on charitable persons.

- PHILOSニュース英語:茅ケ崎方式大阪梅田校代表
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