The Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare released approximate demographic statistics for 2023 on Wednesday. The total fertility rate, which indicates the number of children a woman is expected to give birth to during her lifetime, fell from 1.26 to 1.20 in 2023.
※demographic statistics=人口統計
※fertility rate出産率、出生率➾birth rate
The officials said a range of factors, such as economic instability and the difficulty of balancing work and childcare, are intertwined.
※intertwine : 絡み合わせる、絡み合う inter+twine糸などをよる
➾get tangled/intertangled/become entwined with/be connected with/
More people in Japan are remaining/staying single or marrying later in life. According to a survey conducted by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research in 2021, 80 percent of unwed men and women nationwide between 18 and 34 years old said they “intend to get married eventually.”(いずれは結婚するつもり)
The most common reason for married couples to hold off on having children is that “it costs too much money to raise and educate children.
※hold off=〔決定・実行など〕を延期する、〔決断・実行など〕を控える[見合わせる]➾push back
More than 60 percent of dating app users reported misrepresentations of marital status and false profiles of potential matches.Nevertheless, dating apps remain increasingly popular.
➾dating app/match-making app
※misrepresentation 不実表示、詐称
※marital status 婚姻関係の有無(未婚、既婚、離婚)
タイトル Tokyo plays Cupid with matchmaking app, keep out phonies
※play Cupid 恋のキューピッドを演じる ※phony (口語) 偽物、いんちき
In addition to a photo ID, users will have to provide an income certificate and show they are single through their family register.
※ income certificate 収入証明書
※ family register 戸籍
Users will be required to sign a pledge stating that they are using the app to find a marriage partner, rather than seeking a casual relationship.
※ casual relationship 気軽な関係 ⇔ serious relationship 真面目なお付き合い
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