タイトル:Thailand rescues Japanese boy, 16, from fraud ring in Myanmar
※fraud ring詐欺組織 ring=私利を得るための徒党、一味、団
The 16-year-old went missing around December, and his family filed a search request with Thailand through the Japanese Embassy in Bangkok. He managed to contact his family this month and explained his circumstances. Thai authorities took custody of him and he was able to return to Japan on Feb. 15. The youth is believed to be a victim of human trafficking.
※human trafficking人身売買 文の中でabductionもあり
Tens of thousands of people could be living inside illegal scam compounds in Myanmar that have proliferated near Thailand’s border.
※scam compound詐欺拠点 ➾fraud hub等
Myanmar has become a hub for fraud rings operated by Chinese and other crime syndicates. It is believed that between 30 and 40 Chinese criminal gangs were running the centers.
※crime syndicate 犯罪組織
タイトル:Thailand repatriates human trafficking survivors from Myanmar in crackdown on forced labor
A multinational crackdown on scam centers along the border between the two countries gathers pace.
※repatriate 本国に送還する
※crackdown 取り締まり
※forced labor 強制労働
タイトル:Myanmar scam center survivors recall torture and coercion
➣People recently released from the compounds have said they were beaten and electrified, showing media bruises and wounds.
※※bruise 打撲傷、あざ ※wound 外傷(銃器や刃物による)
Hundreds of thousands of people have been trafficked into the region from across the world, according to the UN, often lured by the promise of a comfortable office job. Once they arrive, they are held against their will and forced to generate income by carrying out online scams, targeting victims globally.
※lure誘惑する、おびき寄せる ➾entice

The recent crackdown follows the high profile disappearance of a Chinese actor Wang Xing, 22, who travelled to Thailand thinking he had a casting call with film producers. His girlfriend asked for help on social media and her post drew huge attention.
※high-profile 注目を引く、目立った
※casting call オーディションへの呼びかけ、配役募集
Wang was found in January more than a month after his abduction, returning with a shaved head. The case threw a spotlight on the issue of human trafficking in the region and caused anxiety in Thailand, which feared the incident would damage its reputation as a tourist destination for Chinese tourists.
※shaved head=剃った頭 ➾shaven head
辞書で丸刈り:cropped head=短く刈り込んだ頭やbuzz cut

- PHILOSニュース英語:茅ケ崎方式大阪梅田校代表
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