The scandal surfaced when weekly magazines reported that Nakai Masahiro, a former member of the now-disbanded boy band SMAP, got into "trouble" with a woman.
※disband解散する ➾ now-defunct pop group SMAP ※defunct消滅した、現存しない
※boy band 男性アイドルグループ
Masahiro Nakai was accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a 2023 dinner party allegedly organized by Fuji TV staff.
※assault=暴行、襲撃/婉曲:女性に対する暴行rape ➾alleged sexual misconduct等
Nakai rose to fame as a member of SMAP. He is a household name and fronted several Fuji TV shows.
※rise to fame 有名になる、世に知られるようになる
※household name どこの家庭でも通じる名前、誰もが知るおなじみの名前、有名人
※front 表看板になる、(TV番組等の)司会をする➾emcee/host
The unnamed woman ended up needing a long period of recuperation and was unable to return to work as she had hoped.
タイトル:Masahiro Nakai taken off air over sex scandal
※be taken off the air 〔放送が〕中止される
TBS said it will scrap a regular TV program featuring Masahiro Nakai, the celebrity entertainer caught up in a sex scandal. Other TV stations have taken measures to mitigate damage from the scandal. Nippon Television Network Corp. has deleted all scenes of Nakai from a program.
※scrap 中止にする、とりやめる
※mitigate 軽減する
Nakai announced his retirement from show business.
One key question was whether Fuji TV traditionally assigned female anchors to hospitality roles.
※hospitality もてなし、歓待
Was it a customary practice in Fuji TV to sexually exploit women as a means of wining and dining?
※exploit 搾取する、食い物にする
※(やや略)wine and dine 酒食の接待をする
TV番組では“上納”という語を使っていました。辞書で上納はpayment to the authorities

Fuji TV held a press conference on Jan. 17, but the company was criticized for only allowing reporters from certain media outlets to attend it and not permitting TV broadcasters to film the event.

Fuji TV held a marathon 10-hour news conference on Monday. In a bid for redemption after the first, heavily criticized news conference, Fuji held a second one, which lasted whopping 10 hours and wrapped up after 2 a.m.
※redemption 贖罪、罪の贖い、改革
The broadcaster has launched a third-party investigation team into the allegations, with the outcome expected at the end of March.

- PHILOSニュース英語:茅ケ崎方式大阪梅田校代表
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