Sunday's general election has significantly shaken up Japan's Lower House. For the Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition, the result was a bitter one, while the upstart Democratic Party for the People(国民民主党:略語はDPFP)quadrupled their seats and vaulted it into the role of potential 'kingmaker'.
※shake up〔組織・体制などを〕改革する、再編成する、一新する
※upstart 形容詞:成り上がりの、最近現れた、新しいnew
※quadruple 4倍にする
※vault=〔力強く〕跳躍する vault into~(名声や地位に)一気に到達する。陸上:棒高跳び 体操:跳馬
※kingmaker 〔政界などの人選に影響力を持つ〕実力者、ドン、キングメーカー
One of the party’s signature pledges is to boost workers' take-home pay by increasing the tax-free threshold. The party explained that the minimum wage has risen by over 70% since the 1.03-million-yen threshold was set in 1995.
※signature 署名/特徴、特色
※手取り=take-home pay ・手取りは30万だ=My monthly net salary is 300,000 yen. あるいはafter tax
➾barrierもあった。the so-called "1.03 million yen barrier
Currently, there is a basic deduction of ¥480,000 and also an employment income deduction of at least ¥550,000, depending on the amount of employment income.
Born in 1969 in Samukawa town, Kagawa prefecture, Tamaki is a graduate of the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law and Harvard Kennedy School. He started working in the Finance Ministry in 1993 and ran in his first Lower House election in 2005. He won his first seat four years later and was named leader of the Democratic Party for the People in 2020.
In a stunning development, Democratic Party for the People leader Yuichiro Tamaki admitted to an extramarital affair Monday morning after a tabloid magazine published photos of him and the woman he was seeing.
※stunning development 驚きの展開
※admit to 〔事実・罪などを〕認める
※extramarital (love) affair不倫、浮気 婚外の関係を持つこと ➾infidelity不貞、不義
Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has compromised and begun policy talks with an opposition party in a bid to seek an agreement on a planned economic stimulus package.
※compromise on~に関して妥協する
※economic stimulus package 経済刺激策
LDP Walking Tightrope as It Seeks ‘Partial Coalition’ with DPFP(タイトル)
※walk tightrope綱渡りをする、危ない橋を渡る
※partial coalition➾union/alliance部分連合
Japan‘s minority government has begun policy talks with DPFP to seek an agreement on an issue-by-issue basis.
※minority government 少数与党の政府
※on an issue-by-issue basis 案件ごとに
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