Beloved actor Nishida Toshiyuki showcased his versatility across more than 270 dramas and films.
※versatility=多才、多芸、用途の広さ 形容詞:versatile多面的才能のある
Nishida was born in 1947. He joined the theater company Seinenza and became a familiar face on film and television. He was known for performing wide-ranging roles from comical kind-hearted roles to violent villains.
※theater company 劇団、一座
※villain (劇や小説等で典型的な)悪役、悪漢、かたき役
人気シリーズ『釣りバカ日記』=literary “Fishing Nut's Diary”
In the popular movie series "Tsuribaka nisshi", Nishida played the lovable office worker obsessed with fishing.
※lovable 愛嬌のある、人好きのする、魅力的な
※be obsessed with ~に夢中で、頭がいっぱいで
He won the Kinokuniya individual stage actor award, one milestone in a long career on stage that included the lead in "Fiddler on the Roof".
※fiddler=バイオリン弾き =violinist
He also enjoyed popularity as a singer. His song "Moshimo piano ga hiketanara" became a hit, leading to an appearance on NHK's annual New Year's Eve live music show.
♪もしもピアノが 弾けたなら 思いのすべてを 歌にして 君に伝えることだろう♪
➾If I could play the piano, I would put all my feelings into a song and convey them to you.(一例)
His multi-faceted talents extended to a variety show. The other memorable character he played was the bureau chief in “Detective Knight Scoop.” The TV program accepts inquiries from viewers to conduct investigations and solve quirky mysteries.
※quirky とっぴな、一風変わった、予測できない
He marveled “But come to think of it, how could I have appeared in such a vast number of works and played so many different roles!” Nishida has left us suddenly, but his grin lingers in our memories.
※marveled 驚く、驚嘆する
※grin ニヤッと笑う、にっこり笑う(口を開けて歯を見せて)smileより大きい
※linger in名残惜しそうに居残る、長居する、ぐずぐずする、なかなか消えない
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